Tag Collection - Psychoros

# Vision

Moments in Public

          🌠   So why should anyone read about my lousy childhood? Where is this going?
In third grade I was the male lead in the multi-class operetta, playing a scarecrow in a cabbage patch full of fairies (the female ballerina kind.) Rehearsal prepared me for everything except the reality of it being night, the auditorium totally dark, and the two piercing spotlights, at my eye level back along the side walls, utterly blinding me.

Around 2 June 1955.     1 min read.

          🧬   This site tries to tie together things many people share but have no words for...
Just before fourth grade I was no longer able to avoid the eye doctor. He was a true believer in the “Plus Lens Theory”, a type of “conversion therapy” which imagined you could train away myopia by forcing kids to wear bifocal glasses for every waking moment.

Around 28 August 1956.     5 min read.
Expanding Horizons

          🌦   So far we're just setting the stage; later there will be theories...
But that was also the summer of Sputnik, and my first shortwave radio kit. Hints there was an interesting world somewhere beyond my limited horizons. (Shortwave then was a bit like the internet is now - your choice of news, education, propaganda, and music from all over the world!)

Around 25 December 1957.     4 min read.
Stumbling Toward Grace

          â™»   And here is the tortured birth process of the theories...
Without words to recall and research my inner memories of childhood, they faded to insignificance behind the onslaught of fascinating technology I discovered during my teen years. Soon after I entered the engineering curriculum at the University, I was reading Ayn Rand's Objectivism and looking to the conscious mind for answers to all of life's questions. And then the 'Death of God' made the cover of Time magazine...

Around 1 April 1968.     4 min read.

          🤼   Separating the Psychoros from superstition
We learn the shape of our world primarily through vision, with some help from hearing and touch, and by the effects our movements have on those sensations. Their pathways through our brains are vulnerable to modern physical influences outside our evolutionary development, and to accidental or intentional social manipulation.

Around 6 January 1976.     8 min read.